Blurb about . . . me? he he blurb is a funny word.
John Murray
- Level:
- 9
- Exp Points:
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I like the first one, about not being able to reach past someone's shell to really connect to them. I like the others but I don't understand them properly - what is the Tricky Freak one about - it is connected to media manipulation and disinformation ?
Thaanx man! YOUR BACK :D.
1. your exactly right, its about not being able to get someone to understand because of years set in one destructive way.
2. Its my parents. First about my dad, and the way even though were shruggl'n with money. When we come into a certain amount of money. . .he feels for some reason he can start spending like he's not still poor. And you can't really advise your dad ...cause I don't have the "EXP points" to do so. I figure he knew he was doing. Results have shown otherwise. My mom said she'll leave ...for the stupidest reasons. Off into the night she goes. I said "all right mama" as I closed the door behind her ...pretending not to care the slightest. But I thought of how bad we'd all feel if something happend to her.
3. The trick tricky freek::: The bible says "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." And I believe it. How people do not see it ...just look at the ...everything(tv, radio, movies, Government, RELIGION) ....well I don't blame them as I said he has dun such a good job of making Bad look good, dirty look pretty, wrong look right. He Keeps people in the dark. and your exactly right, in media, if you'll notice it is a rare thing that something that teaches good values and true happiness ever gets up there. Wich would in effect ...make people happy. Instead he preys on our weaknesses sex, drugs, and money. All leading to temporary happiness. Bur yet some people make it there life. Wich must suck. But how can I blame them ...when you don't believe in anything better than this world what is there else to look for the pleasure, exitment, and self indulgmence. This is what the world promotes, this is how the "tricky freak blinds them.
4. this one comes off the 3rd. "what is there to do when you don't believe theres anything better." I guess the ocean is metaphoric for "the world" and land for Stability, knowing there is a God. "Shock the soul and let it fling" -he's gonna live his life to "the full." Temporary pleasures. "Not the greatest thing" you kinda get a sense that he himself knows and is kinda depressed but set in his ways. But he gets people to follow him anyways ...eventually drowning with him. essentially pulling off EXACTLY what satan wants to do with the whole world. I also get sense in this poem ...that though there supposed to be doing something. they don't seem to be going anywhere.
Wow that got real deep real fast. Did not expect to write that much. I guess the poems are condensed version of big thoughts.