It's typical of Japanese girls to always appear delicate and refined. So curvaceous bodies were usually not part of the culture with the exception of some japanese women today. But those who stay true to the old Nipon gestures have a talent of giving off an aura of a delicate nature.
That song makes NO sense at all. But it sounds pretty.
It's suppose to be a semi-tribute to the Submarine theme that the Beetles tried. Although I don't understand why only the Robot Noodle is 3D animated and everyone else is 2D. I guess its to tell them apart.
This album, it's so relaxing and lucid. It's like a dream half the time.
And suddenly Russle is a giant?
The second video is a great way to bring back Noodle fans. She's been missing for so long, her mask hides a hideous scar that isn't explained yet.
But if you buy or download the album from Itunes, you'll be treated with some neat artwork in a virtual tour of their new studio on the plastic island.
It's because she's a tiny Japanese girl dude.
beastkid7 (Updated )
yeah and if I were to draw a tiny Japanese girl would have looked like a boy. bc I rely on curves to make my girls ...look like girls.
Sheez not very curvy yet sheez very feminine, I think thats impressive.
Imust study Mr. Hewletts work. I verymuch like it.