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John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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I Finished my perfect pet!

Posted by beastkid7 - January 21st, 2009

I took a break from animating to enter the Perfect pet contest. Not only did I make two cool paintings. But, I also learned how to use photoshop. Check out my perfect pet. I maid two drawings to fully explain what my perfect pet would be. There are a lot of really good and creative submissions, and a lot of creative but weird ones.

Here are some really good ones I think should win! Well they can't all win but there all good. You may have to scroll down the link to find the pic.

MindChamber's Giant ferret
Its very well drawn in a cool style and I really like the idea.

CosmicDeath's Whit wolf
First of all I love wolfs. But she really a dream like mood and the bright monocramatic style was awesome. I just love how she gave the wolf this ghost-like expression. Its like determined to get her to safty but in a ghostly way. I just love it!
Monny's Furry Pink Quadripus
Just couse I think it would make a really cool pet.
I love the picture its very simple and clean. I love the overall idea and the explanation made me laugh.

LazerKarl's Bulo Bluo
I think his is the best. The picture portrays a large strong animal with a very playful attitude on. He also managed to do what I wanted to do but couldn't, draw himself on it. kudos to LazerKarl.

peixeaquatico's foxy dog
This one made me laugh. It's basically a sexy chick as a pet its funny.

SOULANGEL's Super Mech Pet! First of all I really like this on couse its done so professionally like it is the cover of a comic book or something. Second of all I just love the style and idea, like half cute half cool.

He has another one the Kimochi Sho-petI like the fact that it can tell you any cheat code.
Pegosho's Bunnilla
This one just amazes me,really! I love it! If it doesn't win there is a major injustice... It has a dream like mood to it and its one of the best pets anyone can think of. Its supper strong yet nice and cuddly. It can take you were ever you want in one bound!
pimpofpixels's remote control fleuf I Just think its funny.

Kajenx's fox-rabbit (Vulpis leporidae) I like the idea, and it looks like alot of work was put into it.

cicla's Xbox 360 dog
This one is so cool. I'm just made that I didn't think of it.

Occluded's pet Mohawk
I love the fiery Mohawk, plus its shading is near realistic!

So now I'm back to working on my animation, "A Spark boy Snowday".

oh and I don't mind people conversating on my post, I did it with Rhi on my last post its cool.

This is my Perfect pet go here to see his transformation!

I Finished my perfect pet!


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(F. stands for fudge by the way.)

I drew it on the computer. With my drawing tablet.

Did you see its transformation?

Damn. Well your art kicks my art's ass! :(

Good job!

Na, my art only lightly taps your art. Thanx!

my scribbles look like a pile of **** compared to yours :3
mine would be something simple. also i had no idea what it would be.

Your drawings are pure awesomeness : )... plus your probably younger than me. ; )

I don't even know who this dude is?

I bet you're not really black.

Just kidding, thanks.

I am, lol.

Flint looks awesome. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I think the smaller version of him is the cuter and therefore the preferable pet (but that's just my personal opinion)! ^_^

You really did well with the details such as the collar buckle and fur, and the eyes too. Do you think you'll use PS to do more digital painting in future?

Thank you for your comment about my white wolf. In the dream he actually had some markings on his back in darker fur, but I didn't think it would translate well in the image so I left them out. Thanks again for your kind words!

Thanx! : )

Yeah deffinitly will use photoshop more. Now when I get an idea it dosn't just have to stay in my head. Its an amazing programe and I'll deffinetly be useing it a lot!

You made a good choice with wolf it came out great! ; )

whatever you say :3
and so i am.

whatever I say...

Awesome kittyz.

Tank U.


Coolio Naito...

thx for your thought about my pet, really appreciate!
Your cat looks awesome, i like the smoothness of the strokes. If that's your first drawing using photoshop then you are gonna amaze in your next works. :D

You deserve it, Bunnilla was a great idea and a great drawing!

Thanx a lot! : )

FRAGMUNCHEES!!! you lost, and its not even a reasonable loss!

i sure did!! cool... yesterday, my friend mahdi, moved to japan, so he came over and brennan was here to, we were throwing this little bottle of chapstick to each other, then he had to go, i think i am really gonna miss him. alot.

Awwww... that stinks. Japan is really cool though. At least if you go to visit Tokyo or some other place in Japan you'll have someone to hang out with.

nice man im glad you like my pet :D i also loved yours too (bouth of them, the lil kitty and the eolved one :D) nice job man keep it up!


Your pet was an awesome! Thanx man you too!

We will win the next time, I still don't understand how elphantcoppter beat you. lol.

So are you happy with the results? Did the right picture win?

well the Flying Tortoise was good enough to win, ....and its not to my taste but I guess 2nd and 3rd were cool enough. But, the runner up Copterphant was like a slap in the face, not to me for me, but to me for all the other people on my post who put days into the creation of there pet. I love the Copterphant couse its original but I could seriously make that in 15 minutes or less. . . . wait no definitely less.