I have been watching this show like an addict on You tube ....surprisingly its a GREAT show! I LOVE IT! When ever some one doesn't like it they say its couse of how it looks, I for one love how it looks, its a nice style, and a nice change.
I've herd the shows success is do to its following closely to the comic "The Amazing spider-man", They really mixed it up, you can't say you know whats going to happen couse everything's different ...sorta, more like everything's new. So far the only thing I don't like about it is the change they made with the story of Kravin the Hunter.
What I like about it is
one, Its animation is very good and I love the style ...its like watching moveing art.
two, The fight scenes are Spectacular ...no really they are.
three, Spidey's Dialog is pretty witty and clever in this series.
four, I can watch it all on You tube ...enjoy the first episode "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST"
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but as spidamen cutom dictates things don't stay so peachy for peter parker, Its like peter parker is the trix rabbit and trix is a good life.
So 'a if you like it, you can use this episode guide and look up all the episodes on you-tube! I found that this guy has the best quality.
oh and another reason I like it is because spidey is my favorite superhero.