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John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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Disney bought Marvel!

Posted by beastkid7 - August 31st, 2009

My favorite company thingy, NOOOO. I -don't know what to say ...

If Disney Is smart this can be a good thing. But if disney does something stupid ...OH this can go reall REALLY bad.

Though Disney isn't dumb I think they'll do the right thing, animation wise and movie wise.

If you want to read more about it look here and here.

maybe my dream of being able to summon spidey in kingdom hearts will finally be fulfilled.


"oh help spiderman mickey mouse has robbed a bank!" i can see it now....

I will hurt someone if they do that.

It's an economy thing....Personally...I wanted Warner Bros to keep Marvel (as Warner Bros is somehow connected to Cartoon Network - they keep vilolence and sex and stuff that we like in comic books and on TV.)

If Disney bought Marvel...you might see less blood, clevage, etc.

Sad...Real Sad.

But....we'll see....I mean...Disney has a pretty face, but it's a real powerhouse of economic supremencay. You can't fuck with them. And if you work for them...so the rumors go...they "OWN" you.

Read autobiography of Bill Pete. AKA the origional designer of the many disney movies and didn't get any real credit.

He really complained about Disney and a side of Walt that isn't normally expected.

I think it might give marvel artist more room to use more styles and go into different things. Who knows we might see a marvel game as epic as kingdom hearts.

"they "OWN" you."

I think I'll consider that when I'm chooseing what company I want to work for -but actually this works, I always wanted to work for marvel and considered working for disney. hmmm. I can work for both.

i hate it i hate how disney bought marvel i dont want to see anything changed in it. you just know disney is going to make some changes wether big or small its going to suck all of the cool out of it. oh btw i reccomended you for art portal

I know what you mean ...I'm just trying to hope for the best

Thanx maaan!! I'll put up my new art as soon as I can.

I'm afraid of Disney, but if guys like John Lasseter get their hands on marvel it could be the greatest merger ever! Finally, a comic book movie (maybe cgi?) with a good story.

Yes I will say that "Disney people" are professional, there good at what they do and do it very very well. It all depends on the age demographic there aiming for.