Blurb about . . . me? he he blurb is a funny word.

John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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Thinking about mortality . . .

Posted by beastkid7 - August 16th, 2010

The mortality of our own souls
The broken bulb that still glows
The spirit lives because it knows
Theres nowhere else for it to go

We must experience the highs and lows
Feel our love ripped, come and go
We must feel the pain as we grow
Gain sweet happiness to and fro

If we don't feel the hope -is like the snow
We feel the fright as we slow
Lights go out -no sight no goals
You can't shout -no light no soul

Tho I'd like not to be so bold
Over and over I try to show

These bulbs aren't spose to be broken ...

There supposed to be whole.

- - - - - - - -

A broken man that tried his best
His heart still mortal in his chest
Though far from perfect he will always be
I feel he is the closest quality

Because he tries and always cares
It's everyone else whos not there
But though mistakes ripp his plans at seams
His face is never of a broken dream

He will fix life up not good as new
He only knows to do the best a man can do
He will do better than a man ...NO lie
This mans got God on his side

. . .bout my Dad.


id rather be alive forever than to see hell yet.

Oh don't worry about hell
tho death for all you wish spell
Just know on your last breath
All it is ...is forever death

For God is love ...tho your made from dirt
when your in pain he himself feels hurt
it doesn't make sense he would burn people forever
For a even a million sins each one done clever

In a sense, morality is a blessing.

To wonder whether or not there is life beyond death shows a desire to continue living. In a sense, it is still a selfish endeavor.

Rather it is MORE important to live the life we have and understand how precious every second is.

So cherish life my friend. For even if your strong in your faith, there is NO GUARANTEE there is life after death. Faith....sure....but not a guarantee. So you might as well make the best of your life.


PS - You should really download the newer Futurama episodes from Itunes.

One of my favorites is "Lethal Inspection" in which Bender realizes he is no longer immortal because he was built without a backup unit.

Take no offense Jak you know how it is ...just different views.

Its also selfish to want to eat too I guess. But its natural.

"To wonder whether or not there is life beyond death shows a desire to continue living."

It does. Naturally people do.

Gods name ...Jehovah means "He causes to become" . . .meaning he can be anything he needs to be to fulfill what he has promised. AKA Its as good as done. Thats my guarantee.

But I do cherish life! I'm gonna do the best I can with it!


Even if it means watching futurama with no social contacts for the rest of my life ...JK jk.

I havn't been keeping up. So much confuzing College crap on the mind right now. But that one sounds funny. You can watch it right here.

com/2010/07/episode-606-lethal-in spection.html

But I suppose I should support the show shouldn't I.

Life also inspires no matter how short.

...bout my dad?

I feel for you bro.


Yeah ...my dads a good guy. I'm lucky, he doesn't yell ever or even get unreasonable if you do something wrong. He'll gilt trip you tho, thats for sure.

But he's not assertive ...or loud. My family doesn't listen a lot of the time. He's just trying to do whats best. Its coming together though.

life is tuff mans. I we need more food in this house. We need to look for a house. and some how show my mom that her Bakery is only making us loose money without putting her back into a depression.

But yet ...I'm good. Well get it done.

would it sound weird if i finf your username kinda sexy ^_^

No ...no it wouldn't. Matter a fact, never met a girl or man who didn't. haha ...jokeing. :P

I just read the post, the commesnts, and the replies, and all I can say is, I know. I know what ou mean and I know mostly how you feel. I know.

I'm glad and I'm sure you do. Its not easy having a sexy user name.


No but yeah everyone thinks of this stuff. I mean you can't look at an old person with out thinking ...there deteriorating right before my very eyes.

lol what would you have done if i was 13? and no, i'm not saying that could i'm actually 13. i are 16. k?

I don't continue to be confused. . .But you gotta fix that or somethin NGrs hate 13 year olds.

you must like me if you come back constantly?

yeaup! Your one of the more . . .interesting people I've encountered lately. But now that you mention it I gata go to sleep.

Another day than you creepy chick.