I tried the Raw poetry style of Rhi. But hers is just so real ...in your face "the truth of the mater" shiz!
"I am my voice"
My voice is broken to the world
Not interesting
Not sex, not drugs, not money
I will not, I will not, I will not
Tho I can feel them in my brains
Superficial stench
A fake importance to emulate
And I'm all to good at it
Roping people in with geared remarks
Crude "impressiveness"
But I voice the o reallys. And so whats.
You don't have to listen
I will not spew garbage because
Because it taste good to you
I will not speak the word you are so obviously looking for
Unless it is a word in common
I will not discuss these things forever
I will try to twist them clever
But purposeful stupidity
I will never
...do you understand it. What do you get out of it. If its any good at all.
I.....don't really get it, sorry.
issokay. Its about me and what people are about, pretend or think there about. They seem to only react to others who are a certain way. A way I don't like.
and its not even like I don't feel like hearing you talk about Jersey Shore ^^ ...its more of a common personality coding shellacked over there actual personality that can be ...fake ...shallow ...sorta ...hard to explain witch is why I wrote poetry. But pple respond to it.