With the killers there are some songs that I just didn't like, Like the sound of it I guess, then. After a while I just start singing it outa nowhere and it becomes a fav.
The reason why I'm actually making this post, I never liked this song and then I just started singing ...Be.leav. me NA.TA. LEE. I like it now.
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For reasons Unknown ...I din't like then I realized the lyrics. WHAT a Beautiful song! I was just gonna post the song but this performance they gave here ...just amazing! like ...I wish I was there.
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All these things that I've done ...I actually just grew to like this one. I LOVE the lyrics. "I need direction to perfection" "You know ya know, No you dont you dont"
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Theres a cuple others but I'm gonna keep it short, I don't even know why I didn't like This one "My List" but I just didn't and now I LOVE it.
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Dude wrote that song for his wife ...theres like a 0% chance of her leaving him. Its a fact.
All of The Killers' songs are great so far. Even the B-sides and stuff from "Sawdust" are worth listening to.
Although my brother really can't stand "Everything Will Be Alright". :P
I've realized for the most part music is an acquired taste. I mean there are those songs that you really just don't like.
But listen to a Genre of music long enough ...it'll grow on you.