lass post was lame anyway hahajk
This is a list of my nick names oldest to newest.
JOHN! -But in french. Sorta like Jshaw! haha. When my ma called for me angrly. (was never a good sighn) ...still used today :P
Abu -My old baby sitter ...died at 21 :( ...she used to call me this, the monkey from "Aladin" I was always a tiny kid ...even now people mistake me for 15/16 ish
Johnny B! - My aunt stays call'n me that man. ...^^ I dont mind
Johnny-Boy -Everyone on my mothers side ...tell yu the truth, I wouldn't mind being called Johnny ...but people just usually call me John ...weird right? who does that?! :P
Kid -might as well make it a nick name *shakes head*
J MONEY -I just went along with it haha
Drawboy -I think some girl called me that ..... -_- I frrrget
Kid who draws -wasnt the cleverest name but... It was me
Dan Murray's Brother -I got this like everyday as a freshmen, eh, was ok
little will -Will smith the default for people who dont know how to tell black people apart. lol Ether that or I actually look something like him
Mr. Bean -My dad, he sed my expressions are like his...or something. :/ I agree lol
BEAST -twas what the called me every time I finished an art project * Obnoxious look* :P
EXACT! -We went to put our money in the vending machine. I told my friend I was going to use exact change ...and so ...she called me Exact from then on *Strugs shoulders* well HEY I'm not suprized she's a random chick but
MJ - "Hey, you look like Micheal Jackson when he was a kid" I've herd it too many times. Senior year, mad chicks started calln me MJ. Someone tried to tell me "Hey, you sound like him t-" B*TCH I do not SOUND like MICHEAL Jackson. -_- :P
John Connor -I made this one myself my video game name. "My name is John Connor" DUN DUN den da DENT!
Murray -perhaps the most comenly used nick name ...probly cause its my last name.
poor dude ...any other family and he'd be alive today....well u could say that about alot a people -_-
Aren't you like black or something.
beastkid7 (Updated )
like? Or something? Yes lol