was moving AGAIN. ...hope that explains my absense:P
OH so heraaaa ...hers some poems. Cuzats what I do I guess. There really not the best tho ...watevs lol
Dont think I'm so depressed lol I just capture low moments to write alot
Hale my thunder
all that blunders
fumble on my words
broken social prime
sad because it lives
one at a time
It feels empty being next to people so full
feels dark next to light
I feel ...broken next to people so fixed
hollow next to people so whole
timid next to people so bold
Yet ...I feel strong next to people who scold
wise next to people who ignore what there told
brave next to people who cave
Original next to people who imitate
im not even that great
How do I...
what if I could just break the world
jab to the universe
shatter it at it seams
glass cracks momentary screams
quickest second ...i'm so sorry neighbor
the truth is im doing a favor
bulllllll ...is all I see
to see the good a mood to be
forced to callus tragedy
look up eye the water breaks
look forward terror takes
a shot out prayer innate from soul
your ghost gets ready to let go
shaking the sun, please keep steady
taken for granted, were never ready
And heres me trying to rap on paper ...kinda slow freestyle cause I wrote it fast lol
Blessed be the chest of the one who rest
knows when to stop, when pops heard a lot
and freestyle is made in to music
but only from people who cant spew it
people who just cant do it
fall short to peopl who see thro it
I hate to talk about my mind all the time
but its the thing that designs my verse and ryme
the thing that makes me two of a kind
her ... whom statistically i'll never find
but I failed that class so best to keep it outa mind
I cant stand those who reprimand thee
the grinder deserves respect please
anyone who doubts can see me
anyone who shouts can feel free
So not me
Quiet sorta fella
rapping close if ever
Making zero cheda
but still doing betta
who I can easily see thru
No its not me its you
and if you, me too
two sided
like the tape, sticks like glu
my thoughts
hope they got thru
ok let me stop now :P