Things I'm missing. That they may or may not be planning to fix:
The way things loaded!! SERIOUSLY ..I loved how it was a little bit gradual with everything. Like when you posted a comment or uploaded an image.( that glowing wave bar of awesome) and the [Jack in!] button *nodes* ...really really was original
BANNERS ..was that one thing that you said when you first saw it u said .."HEY ..I can customize this?? shweeet." it was another original thing, and people did a lot of cool things with it to personalize there user image.
Don't get me wrong, this new design looks great but ..its so flashy, vibrant and visually stimulating. I think I'm mainly talking about the saturated orange illustration in the background. But I'm sure that'll be changed.
I really don't like how your user image gets replaced by and ad when you click on the comments smh ...i just don't
Things I'm looking foward to using. That may or may not be ready to use:
The NOTIFICATION SYSTEM is something I've actually been waiting for NG to get on. It brings the community together when you can more easily know if someone replied to you, or Favorited your art Because I always hated the fact that I have to visit each one of my submissions if I were to ever see if any thing new was going on as far as comments or reviews.
Project system sounds really awesome! The creative community man, thats why I joined NG at first. The calabs and such. Hopefully in the future I'll have the time to get involved in a project.
Fancy emoticons ^^ ..really impressed with these :D
Being able to find the game I'm looking for
File tolerance. A wider range of file types will be greatly appreciated.
I know it's going to be really amazing!! But right now I think it's pretty cool ^^ I already miss the old one ...but I'm just sentimental.
"When you are through changing, you are through" -some random guy from hehejk ..Bruce Barton
well yeah, i am pretty curious to watch as things shortly change.
Good thoughts!
yeh, thanks! I don't want to jump the gun, hasn't even been one day yet. Just saying what I feel