WHAT ..what?! thats not cool! intellectual property maaan.
sides ...I want to be original.
took it a while to sink in for me too guy. Had that response when I watched this video series
But then I read the book STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST.
It was an ok book. Very simple, neat and profound illustrations threw out. But it kinda just generally echoed the things I already had been doing as an artist.
But he kept saying "STEAL" ..that was his gimmick ofcourse and he seemed to be replacing the word inspired with it ..or the action of being influenced by other artist.
But, it sunk in. "Originality" is the successful combination of many ideas ...from other people. With your take ..or spin on it. I mean ..the only truly original thing you can offer is your perception of the world. Being that your so unique.
I mean, just take a moment. To think, about the most Original movie/anime/work of art you ever saw. Now think ...who did they "steal" from? Likely a lot of people, and thats actually what makes it so original. Had they only "stolen" from a few people, they would be called a ripoff.
I herd someone say once. "every story has been told before. It's how you tell the story that makes it original."
What do you think?
This is one of the simple illustrations from the book
That...Is awesome. When I make my music I sometimes wonder if certain melodies and beats have been used before, and knowing how simple some songs are I could possibly be remixing something that has been created in the past. Thanks for sharing
yeah, I've thought that too. No problem :)