I really liked it man!
Was fantastic! As it went on I only began to become more impressed with the way you used your medium. Limiting your self ...or sticking to the given colors looked great ...like the whole thing was a color skeemed design uno?
This was fairly cryptic. That Obviously was your purpose, so it can be subjected to many views. What I got from it? "Cyber youth theater" Represents the youth of this world witch is unknowingly bombarded with media and propaganda. (TV screens) Also I deffinatly suspect religion is an enforcer of propaganda as the villain resembles a pope or priest and his tools of controlling the "youth" look just like crosses. And when theres a single youth shows consciousness in this world and tries to escape this worlds fake ...everything. ...he is met with nothing but opposition.
i dont know, what the end is about though ....I guess the only way to end the viscous cycle would be to end all that is.