Blurb about . . . me? he he blurb is a funny word.

John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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beastkid7's News

Posted by beastkid7 - June 19th, 2009

(I scream like the fish from spongebob who wants chocolate)


It hit me in the face like a good punch an incredibly good punch ...I didn't ...even see it coming.

and who better to here it from than my fellow artist JakBaronking. :D

Posted by beastkid7 - June 14th, 2009

So my game is still in the post production process, But its going pretty well. I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO ACTUALLY MAKE IT THOUGH! Its going to be awesome.

Heres some of my concept art. Main Boss. Menians.

Beyond Good and evil 2!

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I will piss my pants if thats actual game play. PISS IT I TELL YOU!!!

PO3 pic of my main characters bellow.

So ...the inside scoop at whats going on in the power of three.

Posted by beastkid7 - June 5th, 2009

I've been watching E3 videos on gametrailers.

I thought the interactive videos were particularly interesting.They so ripped the Wii but who gives a crap when its that good.

Trying to figure out a sufficient story and game design for my PO3 game.

We have end of the year testing in school right now.

and drawing self portraits of my self with the powers of my favorite superheroes in the art style of Humberto Ramos. For my art final.

I'm going to draw me as Ice man, collosus, the human torch, and the hulk.

Here is a Picture of Ice man ...well me as Ice man.

Whats going on with me.

Posted by beastkid7 - May 20th, 2009

I am an artist,tygerman is the programmer and I would like a musician who can compose "Epic" type action music.

Were not really set on the type of game were making yet but we think its going to be an action game.

all I know is if we pull off the idea in my head ... iz gone be SICK!

PM me if your interested.

Posted by beastkid7 - May 13th, 2009

So here is the unfinished animation I've been carring as an unwanted buron for like ...40 months!

SPARK-BOY SNOW DAY!!! ...sorta

its not much, please vote and leave comments I would love to here what you have to say ...thanx!

Posted by beastkid7 - May 10th, 2009

well first of all ...Ummm ... my movie is taking way to long to put together so I'm just gona stop, I might send in what I did though. I have been trying to "get the ball rolling" since ...november, NO-VEM-BER! and I just don't feel like doing it any more. I mean the plot takes place in winter becouse it was for the winter contest...but now its Just...yeah

So sorry JakBaronkingyour character was cool!

and sorry MOOSE, one of the most AWESOMESS voice actors eveeeer!!! seriously listen to him he's great!Sorry for ...this and thaanks so much for all the help, with sound fx and everything!

and U 2 KawaiiTine, good luck with the modeling.

and sorry everybody(practically nobody) who wanted to see it.

Good news thogh!, I saw STAR TREK! ...star treck :(??? yeah and it was an AMAZING MOVIE. really good you should go see it. I don't really watch star treck my self, but the movie was hot! ....and so was the girl in the movie.

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oh and man oh man. I always liked the killers but I found this song on there new album that blew my socks of...and I just can't put them back on , I can't!


Therers nothing i can say!!! .... Nothing I can do now!!

Speaking of music, I lost my mp3 player wich was cheap but worked alright. But if I'm gona get a new one I want to get a really good one ...for the price of course.

The Coby 4 GB video and music player. 60$

* 2-inch TFT LCD full-color display lets you get more out of your digital videos
* Integrated with 4GB of flash memory
* Elegant touchpad interface controls also feature a cool LED backlight
* Plays music, video, photos and text
* ID3 and LRC support for song and lyric information display
* Plays digital music from most online stores and subscription services
* Integrated FM radio
* USB 2.0 Hi-Speed for fast file transfers
* Integrated rechargeable lithium polymer battery
* It looks awesome!

I would get the 2 GB one if it cost like 40$, but it cost 50 only 10 dollars less than the 4 GB

Things to say

Posted by beastkid7 - April 9th, 2009

I love these guys they are always rapping about something Important. I loved the band before but now that I'm starting to play the violin I like ...fell in love with the violinist/ viola player Mackenzie roberts. lol ... not really but I think she's awesome! If you don't know witch one she is she is the only girl in the band. as they bring out in this video. . .

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I have to commend her on her reply to that question, had I have been asked that ...I'd be stuck in a pickle.

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and for your ears pleasure I give you combat ...witch I don't listen to a lot but its a sick beat.

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But what I like most about the Flobots is that there not just a Band there trying to make a difference... Check it out.

Here is some of there songs, there most popular one "HANDLEBARS" witch they preformed in the first video but here is the music video.

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here is flobots- "MAYDAY"

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I really like this one there cover on "HAPPY TOGETHER", really .. .listen to the words.

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This one has so much in it, it's very deep ...so listen and enjoy "STAND UP"

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This is one of my favorites, very creatively put together enjoy!

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In conclusion I give you the song "RISE"

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Posted by beastkid7 - April 6th, 2009

I was on coldhardflash.com and I saw this super news that was hilarious and I wanted to share it with U guys ...It's so funny.

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Wow, that is some really creative thinking and funny as Heck!

Posted by beastkid7 - March 31st, 2009

Percentage done: 30%

I got my laptop back so nows I can start crank'n out my Spark-boy* movie again!

O.k. so JakBaronKing was talking to sherockachild22 about writeing and said,"My English Teacher in College once told me that some of the greatest writers practice what he likes to call "Intellectual Masturbation"

. . .

LOL - Yeah...so don't worry about what you write...just write. It does so much for the human spirit and mind."

so I figured I just write ... I mean I'm Just going to write something anything- I'm gona wigg it. But I'm gona just start at the exiting part, I know how important the "build" is in a storey but ...I don't feel like it.

I stood firmly planted on the ground, thick fog surrounding me. I stood there shifting my metal plated shoes in the dirt. Metal plated for no reason I thought, thinking of how light my shoes were. My jacket was also plated with light metal over black canvas textured clothes. A tazer gun in one hand and a sword on my back Just in case. I really didn't want to use it ... couse they wanted him alive, the bounty was for 20,000 and the wanted him alive. I've been standing here for about 5 minutes now, feels like 15. The fog started to clear.This is were he was supposed to be in the middle of a Ortech city, Ernst. Ernst! yeah thats his name, sounds tough don't it. Probably some small skinny kid who said the wrong things to the wrong people.

That made me confident, too confident. couse one moment I felt an swift pound on my side and the next I was on the floor looking at what seemed to be a tall beastly man running straight for me on a semi-distant building. I must of flew 12 yards, I estimated on account of I blacked out for a second. I got up quickly and realized my tazer gun had flew out my grip. I pulled out 4 charged blades and whisked them in his direction. Skidding to a stop He put his huge arm up- TINK TING. FREck! only 2 hit, note to self "practice aiming."

As he was standing right in front of me and the sun breaking through the clouds reflected off his arm I realized he was a cyborg. He toward over me twice my height. I think I'm gona have to use my sword I thought.

- To be continued . . . maybe, if guys like were this improvisation is going.

its pretty funny ...I deleted my last post by a mistake (don't ask me how) and I tried to recreated it.

I waz so happy I got my computer back, I drew this picture. *the orange haired dude is Spark- Boy

I GOT MY LAPTOP BACK... and some wiggin it

Posted by beastkid7 - March 23rd, 2009

sorry I delete this post by a mistake

but what happend here was I got my laptoptaken away! :(

and ma poem

By John Murray 3/6/09

Who am I?

I am:
Restraint on those things said and done,
Those meaningless things from witch nothing is won.
Holding back the growing of things that others grew
These things, god would frown upon if I were to do.
Trying to hate what is bad and love would is good,
Convincing myself . . . I am understood
Although there are those things you, keep in, do not let out
Those things if the world were empty you would scream and shout.
I am:
A crutch to hold people up
Under the weight of your body, but I will never letup
It is my job to support you
Weather the burden is many or few
I am not too strong, I am but rubber, small metals, and wood
But I am strong enough to hold you up as I should
So until you are at your best
I will be here for your arms to rest.
I was:
Yes I was stupid, this is true
Doing retarded things like little boys do
Saying foolish things, never wanting to go to bed
I still regret some of the stupid things I had said
I have changed but not all my young habits have gone away
Unfortunately I still have some down to this very day.
I love:
My family and how much they care
There almost always there.
Creating things no one's ever seen
Drawing, painting, and writing
Being with someone . . . that someone talking never to conclude
How the warm wind blows loudly, silencing the mood
Being simply wanted there, just absolutely wanted there
The peace and tranquility filling the air
The love and warmth, being safe and having nothing at all to fear.

Nothing at all.
Not one care

laptop takin