well first of all ...Ummm ... my movie is taking way to long to put together so I'm just gona stop, I might send in what I did though. I have been trying to "get the ball rolling" since ...november, NO-VEM-BER! and I just don't feel like doing it any more. I mean the plot takes place in winter becouse it was for the winter contest...but now its Just...yeah
So sorry JakBaronkingyour character was cool!
and sorry MOOSE, one of the most AWESOMESS voice actors eveeeer!!! seriously listen to him he's great!Sorry for ...this and thaanks so much for all the help, with sound fx and everything!
and U 2 KawaiiTine, good luck with the modeling.
and sorry everybody(practically nobody) who wanted to see it.
Good news thogh!, I saw STAR TREK! ...star treck :(??? yeah and it was an AMAZING MOVIE. really good you should go see it. I don't really watch star treck my self, but the movie was hot! ....and so was the girl in the movie.
/* */
oh and man oh man. I always liked the killers but I found this song on there new album that blew my socks of...and I just can't put them back on , I can't!
Therers nothing i can say!!! .... Nothing I can do now!!
Speaking of music, I lost my mp3 player wich was cheap but worked alright. But if I'm gona get a new one I want to get a really good one ...for the price of course.
The Coby 4 GB video and music player. 60$
* 2-inch TFT LCD full-color display lets you get more out of your digital videos
* Integrated with 4GB of flash memory
* Elegant touchpad interface controls also feature a cool LED backlight
* Plays music, video, photos and text
* ID3 and LRC support for song and lyric information display
* Plays digital music from most online stores and subscription services
* Integrated FM radio
* USB 2.0 Hi-Speed for fast file transfers
* Integrated rechargeable lithium polymer battery
* It looks awesome!
I would get the 2 GB one if it cost like 40$, but it cost 50 only 10 dollars less than the 4 GB