People people people rejoice because at this very moment you can go to the movies and see something great. Its not as if theres only one thing to see or you just go there because theres only one thing good in the theaters. No no no uh uh uh! We got drunk superheroes, green monsters of destruction, funny little robots, Kung fu pandas, Israelie soldiers doing hair,Mike Myers with facial hair, and not to mention the funniest secret agent ever!
yes I mean:
this movie was great it was funny, action, suspenseful, and you know what I didn't expect the movie to turn in the direction it did.
The Incredible Hulk
ok I haven't seen this movie but every body I know who has seen it says it was one of the best movies they've seen in along time.
PIXAR puts so much effort into there movies so if they maid you know its pretty good. plus I've seen the previews for this and it . . . to say the least funny and interesting. and hey its the number one movie!
Kung fu panda
this movie looks so funny with the panda going skedush! plus its JACK BLACK and he always makes me laugh.
you Don't mess with the Zohan
when I saw the preveiw of this movie I could not stop laughing about him kicking that guy with his foot and when he put that little kid to sleep. that was great. and Adam Sandler is so freeken funny!
The Love Guru
Let me just say that I have been seeing Mike Myers on SNL recently and the guy is a comedy genius.
Get Smart
This movie had everything. it had the Rock, Bill Murray in a tree, that chinese guy from heroes. Oh and yes the hot Anne Hatha FREAKIN way. she definitely adds spice to the movie. Steve Carell was Just so funny in the way he walked, talked and acted. I can assure you that you will be laughing through out this movie.
and if you haven't seen IRON MAN don't make me smake you that movies CRaZY AWESOME!!!
so people of new grounds unstick your faces from the computer screen and go wach somthing on the big silver screen . . . hopefully it's somthing mean and green.