Blurb about . . . me? he he blurb is a funny word.

John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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beastkid7's News

Posted by beastkid7 - September 20th, 2011

excuse me if I don't emote
I lied about my brow sticking straight
in a dry denied face
a soulless presence


because I present myself as cherry
opportunistic brow RAISED in excitement
for whatever your next statement is

and some how I am
then what am i missing

What a fancy shell I have come
littered insides with the most pure virtues
Pure intentions lace my soul
and for that I am proud


movies cut chase scenes
ladies legs dash by my love
whole investment in each sentiment
I truly give you my heart when I say I do
I must have more than one


my mind thinks about everything at once
but only focuses on one thing
can only focus on one thing
I need to defrag


I wana be a bruce lee poet
accuratly guiding my words threw the guise of truth
mixed and complexed in the simplest way
always have the right words to give you

I wana be refreshing
a young man who can ..and does
all the right hearted ones will love
moving the the crowds like clouds on 9 because
the best thing, I wana be the best thing


I want to have no doubt in the world again
clarity has escaped me
I was never normal to deal with bliss
ignorance was never an option
confusion came from this world
not mine

..in mine were all love
we all lay in the wake of creation and create
we build each other up
simply because there is happiness in it
why cant it be


Have you had that moment, when you were young.. where you look at your hand and realize its moving. From conscious thought your able to move your figures. ...and its so simple but your ASTOUNDED ...ASTONISHED because ...it IS simply Amazing. ...and that still hasn't changed.

Life is amazing

in fact I wrote something today while hearing this woman talk a to her child about "dady being gone at the dirty bus stop. Of the side of the gum littered pavement ...the grass was green and the way the orange sun illuminated it was beautiful. and so I wrote

you know whats funny
no mater how ugly life gets
it still remains beautiful
Life in itself

Posted by beastkid7 - September 16th, 2011

The FLOWBOTS HAVE MORE SONGS!!! ....but before that, I figure we should check some of there old stuff.

I would appreciate it if you listened, decipher it, and write a meaningful comment about one or more of the songs presented

or just tell me If you like them

Thank you :)

Posted by beastkid7 - September 15th, 2011

I had entered a redisgn into a spider man redesign contest -Seen bellow.

http://www.tencentticker.com/projectro oftop/2011/09/14/spider-man-webhead-2-

They have posted the Honorable mentions!! AND I'm not in there ...which means ether I did way better than I thought I would ..or I had my hopes up for no reason. Because The people they put in the Honorable mentions were thos I thought would win!!

So most likely I didn't win

...but I am excited to see who did!

*chringing* hope I make it

Posted by beastkid7 - September 10th, 2011

Reminds me never to forget about the condition this world is in. So that I dont act in selfish ignorance. So that I do realize that MY actions do effect the lives of others and we can all do great things!

Think of others first and you will be doing the very best for yourself.

Posted by beastkid7 - September 7th, 2011

*ill be put a new Manchester Orchestra song up every ..........whenever I want lol ENJOY!!


Posted by beastkid7 - September 5th, 2011

I was just Wonderin
why my eyes wer blurred
and my mind is currently skewed

Alright real poetry now um... lol lets dig this heart of mine

your thoughts stay stale
in a shadow like vale
you hung over your eyes

heh ...thats OK ... let me try free-versing

held under by owned arms
gasping for a clench of humanity
to quench my suto insanity
no one sees but myself

I liked that leme try again...

her eyes wer burned in me in a violent second
a blank face glance of pale perfection
Spurred my imagination about her texture and consistency
her mood flew up in an effecting way
sending me to cloud seven
she said love
and I burrowed into her mind
for warmth
and I found

ooo I likey! That was more like spoken word tho, ANOTHER about a girl

sick tips
brown eyes
small lies and a little to much
she was my cursed future
my blessed present

that was alright

I contract the thought
whispered as loudly as I could
fleeing subdued by apathy
against oneself
an unsolution

okay think im running out here ...letme try to squeeze another out

this world won't let me waste time with you
pretty thaang

LOL yeah I"M DUN! :P

Posted by beastkid7 - September 3rd, 2011

and thus arived the sentiment

Documenting my flesh
as it changes in emotion
radical moves of vibrance and deep sorrow and
conserns to hit
oh life

It just occured to me
This is not a game

I am a man now lol no getting around it. I'm a strange kid. But maybe I shouldn't think of it as fitting into this worlds molds but ...doing what I must to help the ones I love! I've got a lot to fix, and a whole lot of doing to do. Actions numbed and forgotten have come back to weigh on my chest and I want to be in constant action. So whats stopping me?

nothing I guess

Posted by beastkid7 - September 2nd, 2011

I can't believe I was so naive to think it worked

I have tested its competence, and even the best is disgusting

Even in my fortunate it is evil

its only by touching it do you know

I thought people who said the police do nothing were ignorant.

Turns out they didn't know to little, the knew to much

Were you BE for the revolution

Money is corruption

Everything in this system is influenced by money.

Posted by beastkid7 - August 27th, 2011

hurricane Irene
Should be hit'n us in about 3 hours. Were pretty prepared though, and we live in the heights so. Supposedly shouldn't flood here. But the winds are 90 mph.

Uhh. There is expected to be power outage so, I may not be on for a few days.


Hope I survive :D -PEACE & <3 yall


This is just an update, Still Check THIS postand THIS post.

[edit] -the worst part it is over, wasn't very Bad. Alata people lost there power. BUT I DIDN"T!! :D ...ao aaa I drew alot because I couldn't sleep, I'll scan it up soon

Posted by beastkid7 - August 27th, 2011


I am a little bit a loneliness ..a little bit of disregard. :3

Thanks so much for reminding me how SICK they are Bantun

Now listen too there new stuff ....somethings missing.