Blurb about . . . me? he he blurb is a funny word.

John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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824 / 900
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beastkid7's News

Posted by beastkid7 - February 14th, 2012

Things seem to be look'n up ..hope it stays that way

Spontaneous design!

Posted by beastkid7 - February 8th, 2012

Things I'm missing. That they may or may not be planning to fix:

The way things loaded!! SERIOUSLY ..I loved how it was a little bit gradual with everything. Like when you posted a comment or uploaded an image.( that glowing wave bar of awesome) and the [Jack in!] button *nodes* ...really really was original

BANNERS ..was that one thing that you said when you first saw it u said .."HEY ..I can customize this?? shweeet." it was another original thing, and people did a lot of cool things with it to personalize there user image.

Don't get me wrong, this new design looks great but ..its so flashy, vibrant and visually stimulating. I think I'm mainly talking about the saturated orange illustration in the background. But I'm sure that'll be changed.

I really don't like how your user image gets replaced by and ad when you click on the comments smh ...i just don't

Things I'm looking foward to using. That may or may not be ready to use:

The NOTIFICATION SYSTEM is something I've actually been waiting for NG to get on. It brings the community together when you can more easily know if someone replied to you, or Favorited your art ...uno? Because I always hated the fact that I have to visit each one of my submissions if I were to ever see if any thing new was going on as far as comments or reviews.

Project system sounds really awesome! The creative community man, thats why I joined NG at first. The calabs and such. Hopefully in the future I'll have the time to get involved in a project.

Fancy emoticons ^^ ..really impressed with these :D

Being able to find the game I'm looking for

File tolerance. A wider range of file types will be greatly appreciated.

I know it's going to be really amazing!! But right now I think it's pretty cool ^^ I already miss the old one ...but I'm just sentimental.

"When you are through changing, you are through" -some random guy from Brainyquote.com hehejk ..Bruce Barton

The new redesign: Pros and cons

Posted by beastkid7 - February 1st, 2012

I SIMPLY ADORE THIS MOVIE!! you can go ahead and watch it here if you want What an adorable move!! Fantastic, BRravO!!

It's a notably imaginative story, wonderfully told in an artsy colorful way. In fact, I thats what I really enjoyed about the movie, how its told. The narrarator explains the whimsical series of events and, more enjoyably, the quirky personality traits of each character. As well as the flashes into side notes and Amélie's imaginative mind.

Its really simply a story about finding love and the funny ways Amélie finds to help others despite her severe shyness & introversion.

But we all know the real reason I made this post. I've actually made a post quite similar to this one before lol. Amélie is played by an beautiful french actress by the name of Audrey Tautou ...she is adorable in this movie.


Posted by beastkid7 - January 29th, 2012

Color speculations
a mass of infinite anomalies
deep seeded joy and a resounding YES
keep accumulating and amassing mounds of information
perfection, you must be real
you must be a goal
In creation lies perfection
In our imagination lies perfect possibilities
On the tip of our dome
what an utter frustration
what magnificent proof
In creating
every stroke need not be correct
every movement need not be perfect
It is the overall concept
the idea
the illusion
the feeling it admits

That's really more for expression creating :P like painting, oh how I love painting

You are a conduit of inspiration
and I am the material ment to conduct
It is not in me to choose what I feel for you
you enlighten me
you invite my competence
and incite such possibilities as I've never seen before

cheezy I know ^^

So can we light this
What if I was honest
would it inspire
or would it make you avoid me
why is there a game
or is it a system built for easy accessibility
and I'm just not very good at playing

*strugs* its easier said then done

I got to post some more music lol, probly more upbeat ....this song ^ is just so ..honest^

Posted by beastkid7 - January 16th, 2012

I was saving this post for when I got my computer back. I wanted it to be a significant news post about my ambitions with my art. I was going to talk about all the things I have planned ..as soon as I get my "digital creative powers" back.

But this is close to 200th post significance.

Its about the The Myers-Briggs Type assessment. I'm presuming this is the iconic test that determines what job you'd be good at. But I didn't get it done professionally. Took it over the internet, but non the less, it was one of the most accurate, or if not completely accurate ...deep personality assessments I've ever taken.

I took it a couple of times, on a number of different websites and I keep fluctuating from INTJto INTP. If you notice bellow -the judging an perceiving parts of my personality are almost equal.
Introverted (I) 83.87% Extroverted (E) 16.13%
Intuitive (N) 70.27% Sensing (S) 29.73%
Thinking (T) 63.64% Feeling (F) 36.36%
Judging (J) 53.49% Perceiving (P) 46.51%

BTW thos linked descriptions are a bit over exaggerated. ALSO ...I'd like to mention that, I feel I have a much warmer and caring personality then described ..I feel like its just ..more controlled? Also I suck at math, I'm no profectionist ..at all, I get super distracted ...I think those links are very career based.

Even so, explained ALOT about myself.

I -it explained to me my introversion. I always knew, only mildly, what an introvert was even though I knew I was one. It showed me why I don't have much to say to most people, and when I do ..it's usually 5 hours later lol. It explained why I take little joy in raging parties and hours of dancing. Why the more people there are around me, the more quite and private I become. -I mean besides shyness, its innate. Why I feel so energetic when I'm alone. Why I never had such a strong desire to socialize as my brothers and sister did.

N -Why I could never understand peoples willingness to sacrifice there present for the future. Why I'm so abstract in thought. Why my mind is always thinking about different ways a situation can pan out. Many of them not making sense :P

T -I always wondered why the hell can't I STOP THINKING?! Why must I over-analyse every conversation and happening that went down. Why I could never understand other people, acting straight off there hormones as if they didn't know they were being controlled by there own feelings. Why I'm always SO "dazed and out there."

J and P I'd like to think I'm a perceiver, someone who sees all sides of things, I often think of it as one of my strong points. The descriptions of the INTPs sound more like me anyway. But, I also know that I do have a set of values I believe in strongly and may judge people by them and the characteristically of a judger is not particularly derived from the word. Simply things such as being prepared and planning puts you in that category also.

ONE THING THAT SEEMS TO BOTHER ME IS. It implies multiple times, that my personality type is Mathematical, SCIENTIFIC, someone who can easily figure out and or build complex systems ... whereas .. I feel I am, and have demonstrated I am .. purely artistic. I do think it kind of strange that art be the only thing I'm good at.

Maybe theres some hope from me yet. I thought I was just inconceivably strange ...turns out.. I just have a rare personality type.

2.1% of total population.

INTJ/INTP personality

Posted by beastkid7 - December 20th, 2011

So I can't stop eatn these yogurt granola bars ......there pretty good. Not sure if i should be eatn them all tho

So MS paint it is

Posted by beastkid7 - October 6th, 2011

I have no electricity at home. O_O so thats why I'm not doin anything on here. School Comps have internet but I gata alata work to do ....and I need to get a job *bangs head*

By guys. Seeya soon -Gata catch the bus

Posted by beastkid7 - September 29th, 2011

This post is to Honor 5lip5tr3am3r

He's been gone for a while, but he was a great dude! He was like a real life riddler ..but with a broken soul I tried to help fix. For whatever my text were worth.

I loved the fact that he talked in rhymes and riddles that were always so genius!!

Funny thing ..looking back at those things I sed to him O_O its like Im speaking to myself now. I should listen.

You can check some of our convorsations on his post. and some on mine around this post I think

I just wanted to make a post because he was a fascinating individual. I dont know if he'll come back to newgrounds but I sincerly hope everything goes well for him.


Posted by beastkid7 - September 26th, 2011

So I was on this site and I herd this song:::

I was like "Who is this girl, and why does she sound so amazing!!!" Cus they dint have her name there for some reason ...spent like 10 min tryna find her name! Sheez amazing! I dont even listen to this type of music ...some real music THO.

She's like a female K'naan on steroids hahaha

Sheez ammaazing T_T -I love her face!! :D

Shees so adorable idont even know what she's talkn about ...change er somthing

So full with thoughts
burst of contemplative soul
glory worthy execution
humble state of mind

hehe but ALASs, I am not black enough ^_^

Posted by beastkid7 - September 21st, 2011