Blurb about . . . me? he he blurb is a funny word.

John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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beastkid7's News

Posted by beastkid7 - August 20th, 2011

So I was thinking I havn't been drawing as much as I'd like to be. Sooo, I think I'll draw the main characters from one of my favorite shows!! Community

I'll start with my least favorite character ... so I dont loose interest. lol then end it with the character I most like.

:/ probably not that accurate ...the order of favoritism I will draw them in. I just know like my two favs on the show and then the two I really dont care much for.


Community! ...gata draw more!

Posted by beastkid7 - August 18th, 2011

Not really, at least ...well maybe he's a character that controls sound. I wanted him to be genetically predisposed with the power.

But, I was just writing.


I felt so heavy. So tired and drained. Willing to do something. Why is it that at your weakest moment you feel the need to do something big. Have an effect. I slammed the fridge door with an almost satisfying bang and then thunder sounded after it. . .I paused in my strike to take it in. As if I made the thunder clap. Or maybe that's just me. The absence of my effect on the world falls on to me at times of weakness. I sat on my bed slumping with my guitar I could only half play. I waited for the pointlessness to set in and then screamed words of rhythm. Strumming repetitive. Voice raining vertical radio sounds. Eyes closed. I poured myself out onto ears I wish were there. My vibrations sounded good to me. I felt the thunder clap to my calamity. A parallel of sound in my mind and reality. Destruction! My eyes were shocked open by crumbling sounds. . .and the breeze blew in my face. A gaping whole pronounced it self focal. My wall shattered ...my kitchen wall. I ran and jumped through the break out side guitar in hand and backed up slowly into the road. Looking at the massive whole. Eyes wide. Mind racing. I look down at my guitar with a paused and then strummed it. The glass blasted off my Dads car. "Ho-lee -craps!" I whispered. I've got a lot of explaining to do. I felt so light.

Posted by beastkid7 - August 15th, 2011

Dan VS is a really funny show!

Posted by beastkid7 - August 15th, 2011

meh ...new art

check it out :P


oo the clicking
the connecting of think
our view points sync
and things I thought no one knew but me
But I cant have you
so just stop clicking
that clicking that clicking
with me

Posted by beastkid7 - August 14th, 2011

I'm different, and I'm okay with that ...its a little different when yous see it in full scale phycical perspective.

Parties are not my scene bean...

dancing for HOURS --just not my scene

:/ and there weren't even any Wall Flowers

Posted by beastkid7 - August 12th, 2011

my ocean jumps when I think of her
What I could have said about our fading connection
the dimming light, had I mentioned it would have been lit again
But I didn't
waited for a happen that would never come

I have come to a realization
I have taught my self to lie with out even speaking
I convey to you the opposite of what I feel
I'm all to good at it
A professional
I push what I want to pull
and pull what I must push

Have you ever knew ...just knew. Someone was right for you. They don't say much but when the do ...your like GOD marry me.

Its funny do they forget?
Words people say stick in my mind
Would it be creepy if I told you I remembered what you said
When we were waiting for the bus
Or was that statement not picked
Was it not special

Or, do you yourself remember
What I said
Are you waiting to see
Is it true that we can't perceive
And must speak
Before we become just a memory


you gave me the thousand yard stare...


Some one might die from lack of patients
Deifies optimus claim of sentient beings
Embarrassed for humanity
Sad for there nature of nurture
The thought that the scum of the earth
Was once never scum at all
Given NO equal chance
Driven to a sad world in all the meanings
Cursed to mouth words of enormous empty

might just keep editing :P

Posted by beastkid7 - August 5th, 2011

I don't know if you guys know this but I COMPLETELY ADORE SPIDER-MAN!!! Since forever! So the character means a lot to me.

So if anything Spider-man comes out I'll be watching. Now theres the Spider-man REBOOT. Now officially named The Amazing spider-man! That I was at odds with and still am abit with the photos I've seen. ...WHY is his crotchel region dark grey??? Can anyone explain that to me? and he has some type of metal footing O_o !! *alarmed* But I have to say when looking at the pictures (they intend to put out) of the new spidey. He looks sick! ...so maybe were just seeing spidey ....with out some groin graphix O_O I DONT KNOW.

NOW HERES WHAT CHANGED MY MIND. I learned the director of the movie is Mark Web! The guy who directed (500 days of summer) Upon hearing that I'm like WHAT?! thats not a super actiony block buster director ...But I LOVED loved 500 days of summer!! in a completely different way than I liked the first two spider-man movies.

They keep saying there trying to show you a different spidey. What I always Loved about spider-man is his loner out caste ness/ intelligents. And Aperantly the directors not using CGI at all! He wants it all to be real! This pretty much grantees that there going to delve more into that. Into Peter Parker. In the first spider man they went into this but in a more Cliche "he's a nerd, getting picked on kinda way."

Also Black/latino spider man?! ....chill chill its in the Ultimate's so it doesn't effect the original comic. But still thats pretty cool. I'm Interested for purely shallow reasons ^_^

As long as they don't make PETER PARKER black. I mean they can... but they'd be changing an iconic image.

Posted by beastkid7 - July 31st, 2011

Was a great movie!

I like when movies don't try to be anything other than what they are. They don't try to give you this deep dirty realistic super hero movie. (The Dark Knight does it great) But, I like it when the super hero story is told as a tale ...a Legend ...with a moral and what not. It doesn't have to explain everything, cuz thats not what its about -if you get what I mean. In mid War they still kept a bit of campy, Hell yea were Americans ...ness. and... like, the red skulls skull, is red. They didn't make it burgundy and grunge ...being so used to them doing that to sell the realism of the characters. I thought it was odd. But it further emphasized the fact that the movie wasn't trying to be anything other than Straight up Cap! I liked that.

I also loved/really connected with how the told his. Skinny man story. Because I'm qwite a skinny guy LOL but, not only that but the logic behind it. "A weak man knows the value of strength, the value of power." Just seeing the "nice guy" become also the strong guy was pretty cool.

The actors were chosen VERY well. Really good casting. I can see why they wanted Evans -he's young he'll last a while as Captain America.

THE SUITE, WAS ...it exceeded my expectations. Genius design, really! I love it! And how they got to that suit :P well you'll just have to see.

But anyways it was a good movie. With interesting characters some heart moving stuff at times. GO watch it!

My only thing is that it fast forwarded thru alot of action that would have been awesome to see ): But, this movie was pretty much a very well done set up for the Avengers movie. Even has a trailer at the end. So guess I'll have to wait till then to see an long epic fight scene.


Posted by beastkid7 - July 30th, 2011

The new Thunder Cats was done well in my opinion! They gave them selfs a little leg room with the characters by suggesting a setting generations after the first Thunder Cats. It gives a fresh start and lays the ground for some interesting dramatic irony. ...sorta a sense that "you were there in the beginning".

Things I liked. Lion'O's intrest in tech and his clarity in contrast to what everyone else thinks. His rivalry with Tygra. Cheetara. Jaga's Wisdom -in that voice ^^. Cool stuff peeps.

As for the animation, it was fantastic! Like the best of Avatar. Accept I found Cheetara's animation to be a bit stiff ...is it just me? I hope that changes. But, I like how its all set up, cant wait to see how it all comes together.


Posted by beastkid7 - July 19th, 2011

I believe no mater what your taste in music. The more raw the sound. the more it relies on emotion and skill ...the more closer it comes to ...what I would call real music. I mean this form of communication transcends physicality LOL you can tell how awesome think she is :P No but really it communicates a story and emotion. And I think thats what music should do.

good stuff