Blurb about . . . me? he he blurb is a funny word.

John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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beastkid7's News

Posted by beastkid7 - March 31st, 2011

Is one HELL of a funny toon! They really draw there jokes out to the max of its potential ...I like it. You'll be doing your self a favor if you click on the link bellow


BoBs Burgers!

Posted by beastkid7 - March 30th, 2011

Its a sad day on earth when CAPTIN AAMEERICA ...is at the bottom of th list. ....THE FIRST AVENGER people >:D awhat!? potter O_O CHRIMANENTLY!!

Divant aaaaaaartt whaaaat

Posted by beastkid7 - March 21st, 2011

By non other than my dude, LUPE!

HOLD up Imma put the whole album on here soona or later.

Posted by beastkid7 - March 18th, 2011

was moving AGAIN. ...hope that explains my absense:P

OH so heraaaa ...hers some poems. Cuzats what I do I guess. There really not the best tho ...watevs lol

Dont think I'm so depressed lol I just capture low moments to write alot

Hale my thunder
all that blunders
fumble on my words
broken social prime
sad because it lives
one at a time

It feels empty being next to people so full
feels dark next to light
I feel ...broken next to people so fixed
hollow next to people so whole
timid next to people so bold
Yet ...I feel strong next to people who scold
wise next to people who ignore what there told
brave next to people who cave
Original next to people who imitate
im not even that great

How do I...
what if I could just break the world
jab to the universe
shatter it at it seams
glass cracks momentary screams
quickest second ...i'm so sorry neighbor
the truth is im doing a favor

bulllllll ...is all I see
to see the good a mood to be
forced to callus tragedy
look up eye the water breaks
look forward terror takes
a shot out prayer innate from soul
your ghost gets ready to let go
shaking the sun, please keep steady
taken for granted, were never ready

And heres me trying to rap on paper ...kinda slow freestyle cause I wrote it fast lol

Blessed be the chest of the one who rest
knows when to stop, when pops heard a lot
and freestyle is made in to music
but only from people who cant spew it
people who just cant do it
fall short to peopl who see thro it

I hate to talk about my mind all the time
but its the thing that designs my verse and ryme
the thing that makes me two of a kind
her ... whom statistically i'll never find
but I failed that class so best to keep it outa mind
I cant stand those who reprimand thee
the grinder deserves respect please
anyone who doubts can see me
anyone who shouts can feel free
So not me

Quiet sorta fella
rapping close if ever
Making zero cheda
but still doing betta

who I can easily see thru
No its not me its you
and if you, me too
two sided
like the tape, sticks like glu
my thoughts
hope they got thru

ok let me stop now :P

Posted by beastkid7 - February 25th, 2011

lass post was lame anyway hahajk

This is a list of my nick names oldest to newest.

JOHN! -But in french. Sorta like Jshaw! haha. When my ma called for me angrly. (was never a good sighn) ...still used today :P

Abu -My old baby sitter ...died at 21 :( ...she used to call me this, the monkey from "Aladin" I was always a tiny kid ...even now people mistake me for 15/16 ish

Johnny B! - My aunt stays call'n me that man. ...^^ I dont mind

Johnny-Boy -Everyone on my mothers side ...tell yu the truth, I wouldn't mind being called Johnny ...but people just usually call me John ...weird right? who does that?! :P

Kid -might as well make it a nick name *shakes head*

J MONEY -I just went along with it haha

Drawboy -I think some girl called me that ..... -_- I frrrget

Kid who draws -wasnt the cleverest name but... It was me

Dan Murray's Brother -I got this like everyday as a freshmen, eh, was ok

little will -Will smith ...is the default for people who dont know how to tell black people apart. lol Ether that or I actually look something like him

Mr. Bean -My dad, he sed my expressions are like his...or something. :/ I agree lol

BEAST -twas what the called me every time I finished an art project * Obnoxious look* :P

EXACT! -We went to put our money in the vending machine. I told my friend I was going to use exact change ...and so ...she called me Exact from then on *Strugs shoulders* well HEY I'm not suprized she's a random chick but ...lol

MJ - "Hey, you look like Micheal Jackson ...uno when he was a kid" I've herd it too many times. Senior year, mad chicks started calln me MJ. Someone tried to tell me "Hey, you sound like him t-" B*TCH I do not SOUND like MICHEAL Jackson. -_- :P

John Connor -I made this one myself ...lol my video game name. "My name is John Connor" DUN DUN den da DENT!

Murray -perhaps the most comenly used nick name ...probly cause its my last name.

poor dude ...any other family and he'd be alive today....well u could say that about alot a people -_-


Posted by beastkid7 - February 24th, 2011

fate has come
and consequence defeated
DILEMMA deleted
Wait off my shoulders
Now I can get older
Finished life! with a kick to the face
THIS ONE event! I won that race!
I won ...and I herd the crowd sound

I won one :*)


Posted by beastkid7 - February 22nd, 2011

bite into my heart I want you to taste this confusing shit
you dont have two swallow ...just savor it,
if you can understand these tastes and flavors
the roots the catalysts that excite such behaviors
more than I can determine with my own mind
my contimplation of my thoughts my nerves my shy
my grey my blue my bright my black
my random my mood ...my love my lack
and if you would swallow ...oh what would that mean
I wouldn't beleive it ...id feel like a dream

Posted by beastkid7 - February 13th, 2011

Just take a second, close your eyes take it down
The lawyers, the rulers, the borders, the crown
The roads, the money, the cars, the system
There are no appointments, no need to get wit'em

NO one is better ...NO one is worse
NO one has fortune ...NO one has curse
But we are all different, that we should love
The people, the community, the children, above

time passes by,forever no dates
All there is to do, love and create


I told myself a thought to do
I myself, I fought for you
But me myself it said no
But too you, for you I'd for ever go
Oh logic fights heart again and again
My love caged by logic, dam


Idk wat else to write ...so i'll right about not knowing what to write.

I dun thought I had something
Blasting stale thoughts
Forced ideas for nought
ring ring ring bing bong bing
maybe I'll write something t sing
I should be working right now :P


OH AND HERE ...THis dude B.O.B akizay boby ray. Now why I find this video so interesting is this dude usually doesn't curse a lot in his raps ...infact he talks alata sense ...he's just so real and this video is basically RAWLY ...a conscious rapper fed up with the faken

ess of hip hop ...

Posted by beastkid7 - February 10th, 2011



You can watch the last three episodes on Hulu


But ...I only feel bad that you must start now ...episode 14 of season two. To say this is the most exploritive, imaginative, interesting, and ....inventevly original show ....would be an understatement.

Forgive my dramaticness ...I know its really a mater of opinion ...but I just love this show so much.

You see what this show does is creates entire episodes off a movie Genre formula or game. ...and doesn't mock it but ....i dont know its just really cool, ...an the episodes that are not like that ...just display the awesomeness of the characters ..EACH one SO awesome!

chang and annie


Posted by beastkid7 - February 7th, 2011

CCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAPTIIIIIN AMEEERRICA!!!! ---I'VE BEEN waiting so long for this movie! unumnumnum!

The only thing that bugs me is ...thats the mf'n human torch! Did they really want him to play cap that bad?

SUPER 8!! I smellll awesome

This trailer has the Childlike alure of E.T. ....I feel adventure of some type. Gwd! But then again this trailer leaves alot to the imagination.

and then theres TRANSFORMERS ...witch I always get into arguments with my friends. debating weather they are REALLY amazing movies. But watever man, I watched this trailer and I laughed out loud ...but not in a condescending way ...in a more of a "Hooch is crazy" Ah, that Micheal Bay, hes at it again! Kinda way. I have to say ...now that I know what to ...and what not to expect ....I'm type excited.

Optimus Prime --always badass

Oh and theres thor ....idono why, but I just dont seem to care for that movie... *strugs shoulders*