Blurb about . . . me? he he blurb is a funny word.

John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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beastkid7's News

Posted by beastkid7 - June 29th, 2012

WHAT ..what?! thats not cool! intellectual property maaan.

sides ...I want to be original.

took it a while to sink in for me too guy. Had that response when I watched this video series

But then I read the book STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST.

It was an ok book. Very simple, neat and profound illustrations threw out. But it kinda just generally echoed the things I already had been doing as an artist.

But he kept saying "STEAL" ..that was his gimmick ofcourse and he seemed to be replacing the word inspired with it ..or the action of being influenced by other artist.

But, it sunk in. "Originality" is the successful combination of many ideas ...from other people. With your take ..or spin on it. I mean ..the only truly original thing you can offer is your perception of the world. Being that your so unique.

I mean, just take a moment. To think, about the most Original movie/anime/work of art you ever saw. Now think ...who did they "steal" from? Likely a lot of people, and thats actually what makes it so original. Had they only "stolen" from a few people, they would be called a ripoff.

I herd someone say once. "every story has been told before. It's how you tell the story that makes it original."

What do you think?

This is one of the simple illustrations from the book

Posted by beastkid7 - June 13th, 2012

O_O shock and aw

Posted by beastkid7 - June 10th, 2012

When were small our parents do many things for us.

First to be blunt. I've learned that Pain = Growth You know? What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. "It'll build character Jimmy." ..and so I guess, our parents give us that pain, they give us those experiences that teach us and make us grow. So other people don't have to. They make you do things you don't want to do, but things you must/should do.

So that when you grow up and are able to make decisions yourself. You realize that to grow you must/should do things you don't want to. You must cause yourself pain to grow. You have to become your own parent. That is maturity.

it ain't easy ..but at least I got the theory down.
reminds me of this picture I saw on deviantart:

partial partarental theory

Posted by beastkid7 - June 6th, 2012

hehehe hit fix!

Posted by beastkid7 - May 30th, 2012

Hey guys I actually stuck to it ..also maybe writing blogs will help me also.

So yeah I did a week of Phobs ...the guy is just amazing! I've absorbed a lot of his style and disiphered some of his methods and he most likely will be one of the few artist I actually come back to study again. He's style just hits home for me. It's very expressive and stylistic at the same time.

This is day one of Jeff Wamester and Im remembering what he did to me. His art is just.. awesome! But, its strong, 'opinionated', and not very expressive. I remember for a while after I started drawing like him, having trouble making expressive eyes as well as other things.

Montage music again

So I might not spend as much time on Jeff, so as to preserve what little animated expressiveness I've received from phobs.

Practice Week 2: Jeff Wamester

Posted by beastkid7 - May 23rd, 2012

Why does everything feel so desperate, and I feel so restless. Probably cuz I'm not going to college anymore. Sucky school anyway ..Just a business.. and I couldn't even afford it. If I'm going to throw myself into debt, I would like to have a real good reason for it. Later maybe. I'll see what I can do about paying back for those 4 months.

Anyway.. I'm training myself. *training montage music*

Fixing up my line art. Studying One artist a week. For 3 months

Then I'm creating a coloring process through study of other artist and experimentation. I haven't calculated it. But considering the share number of colorist I really like that would be about 9 months ...unless I do 3 days for each artist.. nah. I got alot to prove to myself. Plus my line art will be spot on by then so, I'll be creating a lot of art. It'll be fun.

Then Last I'll continually learn more about graphics and design I guess.

Maybe I can mix these together in a more practical sense.. but for now its all line art. I'm starting with phobs......because he's amazing.

I'm Practicing

Posted by beastkid7 - May 18th, 2012

So what is this thing? This variable of thought in my chest. Swaying and mixing like a potion. I linger so with formulated thoughts of perception. Misconceived in its entirety and aware of it's self, yet it still stains me. So I cast my thoughts out on to a paper and I am understood through vagueness. That random words can capture a feeling. It is because we canot capture in words what we feel, so that mixing them around improper would amount to a more accurate understanding. Or that ilongating an irrelevant word in song can capture, can convey. I am this, unquantifiable, and so only the vague can describe me. As are you.

Posted by beastkid7 - May 14th, 2012

actually, I have quite a few new art. But, the art portal chaps my kakies

Been practicing

Posted by beastkid7 - May 8th, 2012

When ever I hear an interesting quote its from this guy.. so I decided to look him up.These are the ones from his Official site that I liked


"My dear young lady, there was a great deal of truth, I dare say, in what you said, and you looked very pretty while you said it, which is much more important."

"The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing."

"The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast."

"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

---- These are from another site, that mostly displays his more ...blunt quotes. :P that I liked.

Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

Everything popular is wrong.

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.

I am not young enough to know everything.

I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.

I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.

I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being

I see when men love women. They give them but a little of their lives. But women when they love give everything.

In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.
Just cuz...

Posted by beastkid7 - May 4th, 2012

Just came back from seeing The Avengers! AND IT WAS AWESOME

I was a little worried that the movie might not live up to the hype ..until I learned that Joss Whedon, The director of my recent obsession Firefly, had written and directed it!

Thats one hell of a fantastic coincidence!

After watching 9 Firefly episodes I thought I could discern what I would see in this movie. I was expecting witty banter, unexpected occurances, unsolvable situations, and cheezy moments that were forgivable because of the sheer badassedry of the context. As, this is what I remembered from firefly.

The Avengers... to my content.. was none other than all these things condensed and concentrated. The witty banter was RIDICULOUS! in a good way ..just a zesty mix of badass and hilarious. It wouldn't stop, ever. Joss Whedon likes to throw characters into situations with out an exit ..and thats all I'll tell yah.

There are cheezy and some what/very much unrealistic moments in this movie ..and the movie is pitched in a "to hell with it" way. It doesn't try to be The Dark Knight. It tries to be the best godam super heroe movie ever made. It focuses not on possibility and realitive scale ..but on out landish out right events the truly become a show case of how extraordinary each hero is!

so things to say:

Dialog was amazing

they did the Hulk VERY well

action was nbjqrylonbfjkamazing

..it was very funny

Black widows incredibly hot

go see it

THE AVENGERS by Joss whedon