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John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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beastkid7's News

Posted by beastkid7 - July 14th, 2011

Felt a sudden urge to look them up! Some pretty stupid ones out there lol

But, I'll show you the top two best ones I did!


I mean ...its a bit over exaggerated. "Feels trapped in a helpless situation and is desperately seeking relief." But, its pretty darn accurate for a quiz in which I just clicked on colors ...pretty freaky :P

and the PERSONAL DNA !!!

This one is really accurate. WELL accept for "You are independent, and you enjoy your self-sufficiency." SOON tho hopefully. LOL ...and I dont quite feel as confident as it paints me to be. Other than that ....yeah thats pretty much me.

That being said :P I have a few things to work on . . .

Posted by beastkid7 - July 4th, 2011

If you have time just listen ....I've been wanting to make a post of all the new music I've grown to love. NEW TO ME ...anyway :P ALSO its not just the one song, if I'm putting up the video I have become a FAN!!! lol

gewd musc ya guys. mmmhhmmm

I LOVE THESE GUYs!! O_O her voice my lord!

HORRAY FOR HIPPPYS!!!! ....im so serious ....theres something so beautiful in simplicity

a 'wow' performance ...

There videos remind me of when I walk into a room an KNOW I'm not seeing things the same way other people do .... See Hey Girl Hey Boy

an an YAll no i love my hip hop :D -but the good songs come slow in this Genre. So I give you this video ...a poetic song that incompases the two new hiphop artists Im into of late

I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH!!! ...^_^ aaamagrshh

This band touches my SOUL!!! ...in the most appropriate ways :P ... idk about there new stuff tho

Her talent to successfully express a feeling is amazing. A true artist ... truly

UH OH! Love theses guys ....there jus .... rhythmic -very rhythmic You gata check there other stuff!!

MANCHESTER ORCHESTRA!!!! ...my current favorite band at the moment presently! love them so much ......i think I might have to put two vids

Lyrically, bros and hoes, this song isssssssssssssssss ....very good :D

lol welll .....I probly frrgot alot of new music but ...I hope your ears were pleased

Posted by beastkid7 - July 3rd, 2011

I want to eat your soul... just to know
I'll put it back
I just want to know
because I can feel thos precious wounds growing
shaking the foundation of you
please I must devour you
in order to know what to do


she was a spirit
Freed ...that is if she was ever trapped at all
Vivacious, dancing in conversation
the sense was off and on
deep and spawning inspiration
an invitation
a mili second of love
is what I will admit


mellow that shes dying
when shes gone no crying
she ment world to you

then the thought becomes a sickness
she becomes your sickness
a passing flue

its sad how much she ment to you


The shadows are my liking
the cold is my place
I conceal every utterance
I hide every trace

My blood as grown to warm for this
my brain has changed so
I must shock my self continually
I need to be able to go


A mind set
an illusion of ability
and it will be broken
It will be shattered


Give me my family back world
what is it you want me to do
bring out my every flaw
make me look a fool

Give back my family world
you have torched them thru and thru
and shoved there minds in a life not kind
and theres so much my body could do


Damp in vision
heavy head
Spiders still
cold carpet
noisy howl
Quiet shrill
Stuffed with things
dishes lights
no one payed the bill


I think I could do this forever
I do it best when things are off with me
The best ones I remember
are when every things all better
and my inner can be likened to a calm sea

Bright bursts of air! ^^ haha just good stuff spew when everythings all alright
Oh how I yearn for that again

Posted by beastkid7 - June 30th, 2011

Its pointless Garbage. ...I mean reaaally?!!! Really??!! REALLY!??!!! like ....it makes you want to turn off the t.v.

Its horrible. And its not even just the contrast between How good it used to be and .... whatever it is now. Its the fact that now. ....its ....so desperate for laughs its deplorable

but let me calm down lol

I believe the Quality of the show started to go down after the Movie was made. (loved the movie!) ...but then the creator left.

You see a good show has HEART and VISION ...I think that left with Stephen

...season 3 -As I always remember "SpongeBob Meets the Strangler" as one of the last really funny episodes. After that its as if they were just riding off of fumes. There were some ones I liked like the one were Squid gets hansom. ...or that one were plankton is in court and he's like "I used to be a happy "go lucky" guy" lol that was a good one.

But Planktons always funny :P His voice its just. ...the voice actor whatever line he gets he makes gold out of it'

Unfortunately ...I dont think there going to stop ...I'd like to think of this new sponge bob as a completely different sponge bob ;P perhaps an alternate universe of some type haha anyway

RIP the kid who ripped his pants ....eh well theres 3 good seasons so, thats not to shabby at all :D

This new sponge bob episodes are a disgrace! (Rant)

Posted by beastkid7 - June 25th, 2011

Have you seen the dameneer of your cleaner self
He is a man of dignity
Tounting you with his greatness
For your own good

Its hard, but when its hard you know what its like to be hard ...you don't end up throwing it all away. Appreciation is a realization many do not have. I am blessed with consciousness no mater how burdening.

I favor someone scarred. Nay, I need it. How else can you understand. Our half wounds will fuse and disappear. Hopeful, Hypothetical speech. But in truth yes ...some one whos face has been shoved in the dirt so as to understand why my face is dirty ...and not just laugh. But I guess it would be strong of me to wipe it off and not just leave it as a symbol of my false apathy.

*chuckle* my heart is on my sleeve ...but I make it invisible. To scared to try the inevitable ...so the inevitable may never come.

Comfort Zone! My whole life -I never saw the folly until now.
Even when they clap, I am to shy to take a bow

These hands they are good that you gave me! These hands are good. They create like no other -I've seen it! Just give me the time of day.

Can you look up at the stars and watch them straighten ...they commune together ...a dotted sun. Comes down into the earth for a night. Falling meteors of luminescent. No ones hurt ....a sight to see gathered chaires and slight blinding. The longest night that ever lived. Lived we all did. Stars fell from the sky! Passed thru ....everyone stop. Everyone woke up. An Overwhelming sense of unity surrounded the earth that night. No one had a bad inclination in there heart. "Those lights" they would say to each other ...smiling and crying. Everyones feet had touched dirt that day. Joy

Hehe -do you understand the ramblings of my mind?

Posted by beastkid7 - June 21st, 2011

Idk if I'm good a writing ...but I like it so ama write sumor

Kat was was very fast. She ran down the city block stampeding threw the crowd. Shoving the money in her Jacket as bills flew into the cold air. She didn't think to look back, but she felt the presence of cops. The fuzz! She didn't know for certain so she dropt to the ground, into a sea of people. In her mind it was a disappearing act as she leaped into a wide ally way and rolled behind a dumpster. She pressed up against the brick wall in the most suspicious manner, looking left and then right, and then left again. Then sank down behind the disposal, fixed her red scarf, and began to count 'her' money. She began to whisper foul words he had only stolen one hundred and fifteen dollars. She sunk even farther down and stared at the opposite brick wall.

Then something happened that would change her story forever. She saw a boy on the other side of the ally, laying on the ground. She got up quickly in a spontaneous burst of energy and creeped over to him. He was steaming and the air around him was warm. Kat had noticed his full bodied suite was of fantastic design. It was skin tight, blue, black and silver in color. "Futuristic!" she thought, her eyes wide open. Looking at the shoulder latches and then radiator slits on the side of his chest. "Hey guy! ..Kid!" she shouted. No response. "Dude your literally smoken ...I don't know if its your suit or ..." She waited. Then she slowly reached down on bended knee in curiosity. The moment she touched his chest a shock shot up threw her arm. "ahha!" she streaked seeing only white. Quickly her sight faded back to see the boy standing up while she was on the ground. "What the hell?" She had never been so confused. "You are now capable of synching." he informed her as he reached out to help her up. "Lucky me." Kat said looking at him sarcastically. He stared back at her with a warm smile and a seemingly in human connection. "No it is I that is lucky." To him, she was a moving sight. Her haired flowed out her cap creating a wavy frame around her face. Dark peach colored skin rosey from the cold. And her eyes dark...seemed to reflect everything around it. "Okay..." she smirked, pulling her hand away, still stuck in his eyes.

Posted by beastkid7 - June 17th, 2011

A move made for people who know how movies work. You astablish the humaness of the characters. An Interaction between them that you adore. Then whatever you do to the characters actually maters. You've given the movie heart!

Because of the these moments. The scary moments actually scare ...the thrilling moments actually thrill

Posted by beastkid7 - June 15th, 2011


I for one LOVED it! Sure it wasn't perfect ...the story wasn't very strong given you dint know what the real story was for a while. But thats Classic Abrams! The Characters were fantastic! If theres one thing I love its characterization. And it really made you care for them. The story, although it wasn't so complex, was strong enough to hold up a good moral theme and create some pretty intense character situations. Speaking of characters, the acting was flawless ...I mean I'm even more impressed because they were child actors, outstanding frrshrr. Now the visuals were amaaazing! and Im not talking about the graphics, the cinematography was spot on! Not only did it tell the story well but ...Some scenes I just wanna frame and keep forever lol Great stuff! looking forward to seeing it again.


I thought it was a pretty sick movie! I mean lets just put the astronomical comic story slaughter aside for a second. Because this reboot seems to not care what the comic says. But Besides that. The story was pretty darn good. Now the execution on the other hand :/ left me ....a little disappointed. It didn't feel right. It seemed like they cooked a good movie and then just tossed it at your mouth. Were super 8 succeeded X-men did not. The scenes didn't flow ...it seemed very straight to the point. Cinematography also suffered. AND characterization! I felt like I dint know these characters! But not all of them. Magneto's character was tremendous! Larger than life ...a really complexed guy -him and Charles were played by such fantastic actors and brought this movie together. As well as some amazing visuals! Great summer movie!!

Posted by beastkid7 - June 5th, 2011


I love love love this! A masterpiece of villain Legacy -with a twist! He's so relatable ...it shows you the logic of a villain. and is very funny!! lol "the Hammer"

Also Im pretty sure this is were Megamind and despicable me stemmed from.


My older bro had this as his profile pic, and so I was curious. The maine character looks just like my older brother!! and my bro does the whole Kung Fu thing. My sis says they used to tease him in school because of it. Cept I distinctly remember my brother being a suto intellectual smart ass. LOL The characters demeanor reminds me more of myself actually.

Anywho its fun to watch older movies. The different Lingo and mannerisms. They really have a quality about them. Of course this was just a fun black Kung fu movie. But I really liked it :D!


Also the girl from movie is SOOOO hot smh its just smh --wow :P

Posted by beastkid7 - June 4th, 2011

"read my mind"

I want to say, but I cant say
Always reassess the situation with yourself as fault
Always reassess the situation with them in the right
Combine the two sides of the situation in to clarity
And Express it! Chop yourself first!
That you might save yourself from turmoil


"the easy way"

I will learn from thos wounds
Carved into your chest
Raw and burning mess
I perceive how you got them
it is as plane as day
thank you for your pain -your neer slayed
you ache and your struggle, but nonswayed
avoided scares when I start a new
I wish just it never happened to you



At very first I approached communication in a apathetic point of view
You by your mistakes have shown me its all too important
Love does not flourish when it is not mentioned
We can not be informed if no one informs
You cannot understand if you dont know


"Somethings are not"

If I strive for good and only good
Do not call me bad
If my fruits and aftermath of method prove ...sweet
do not call me bitter
If I am conscious of fortifying, strengthening and adjusting
do not call me weak
If the only thing I wish to be is righteous in his eyes
do not call me wrong
If I succeed any one of these imperfectly
Do not call me perfect
somethings are simple



"You are the world to me." soulful hug and a kiss
"You are the WORLD TO ME! Imagine our bliss!"