Blurb about . . . me? he he blurb is a funny word.

John Murray @beastkid7

Age 32, Male

secret agent...shhhh

New York

Joined on 4/23/08

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beastkid7's News

Posted by beastkid7 - January 21st, 2014


This is taking longer then I thought. 

Posted by beastkid7 - January 17th, 2014

So here is a video I made and feel free to tell your mother about it, as well as anyone else. I'm going to be doing more like this, and maybe you'll actually see animation from me, lol it's been so long. 


Posted by beastkid7 - January 14th, 2014


I've known he about "HitRecord" for a while. Thought it was perfect. A place were a community comes together to make art. From every place, every type of person and project. It was cool, but I never got involved with it. lol I guess, I should have. Anyway, it's an actual show now. The awesome JGL has made it a show, and so far it's really cool and super creative. You should watch it.


Posted by beastkid7 - January 11th, 2014

Premise: 3 kids, Eva, Storma, and Beta are traveling across the frozen ocean to save there brother Rod.

Wide shot of them, from the back walking on the ice. The eldest girl to the right, sattled with knives, small bags and sashes. The middle child with skinny legs and a giant coat and the youngest one, a boy constantly clacking his fathers hammer on the Ice.

The Camera cuts to a closer shot of them walking you hear the clacking louder and slowly getting faster. "Will you give me that hammer, your going to get us all KILLED!" Storma shouts. Her boyish voice echoing into the air.

Eva, the middle child drops to the ice and curls into a ball. Storma stares at her for a few seconds of understanding.

She bends down and pleads, "Come on Eva, we don't have time for this."

Eva replies with muffled sounds, Her head tucked under her arms and parka.

"What?" Storma says confused.

lifting her head Eva shouts "We have to go back! This is insane!" She pauses to compose her self. "Storma, you know how I feel about the ocean. It's like. The worst way to go."

Little Beta interrupts, "Rodney says, death by fire, is the worst." "Ok well for me, Beta. For me, drowning and freezing to death simultaneously is the worst."

Beta shows himself offended with his cartoonish expression.

Storma helps Eva up and their eyes meet

"We have to go back." Eva whispers.

"We can't. I don't expect you to understand yet." Storma turns towards the sun. "Look how far weave come, I haven't seen a scratch on the ice yet."

A thunderous cracking sound emits from the ice. A watery line thickens between Beta-Eva and Storma. Eva shrinks back on to the middle of the ice patch holding Beta as Storma struggles to find a balance on the small wobbling ice beneath her. She quickly scans for a larger patch of ice and leaps forward landing on her side. 

Eva waves her hands in the distance, steadily floating further away. Storma whips out one of her knives, rips the long rope off from around her waist and fastens them together fluidly. Wasting no time, she loosens her grip of the rope and swings it around her head 3 times. 

Storma whispering desperately to herself. "Once for momentum, twice for aim...CATCH IT!" She shouts to Eva as the sharp knife whizzes into the sky.

SINCK The knife darts with accuracy between Beta and Eva. Beta looks at the knife in astonishment as the rope calmly falls on top of it. Eva laughs with relief.

"YOU HAVE TO NAIL IT DOWN!" Storma shouts from afar. She had already done so on her end. Eva's eyes fidget with hopelessness as the rope starts to sink into the water. "With what?!" "Whit this!" Beta shouts. Lifting his hammer into the air and smashing the knife solidly into the ice, just as the rope tightened.

Posted by beastkid7 - December 31st, 2013

2014 has a nice ring to it. No spoilers. The year of suprises - says me. Have a good one!

Posted by beastkid7 - December 14th, 2013


Lets kick things off with a much anticipated Sifi fantacy from the "brothers" who brought into this world some of my favorite movies of all time! V for Vendetta, CLOUD ATLAS, Speed Racer and a little movie called The Matrix. Some of this trailer may seem a little cheesy visually, but please do remember the people who are making it, that's why I'm excited.


Now that I've got your attention, lets create a little suspence. With the new GODZILLLA movie. Not only is this trailer extremely well made. But everything I hear about this movie sounds perfect. I can't wait!


Can you say 'BadAss'? If you can, you might enjoy this next trailer. Based on the Scifi manga, 'All You Need Is Kill' by Hiroshi Sakurazaka. They chose to change the title to something a bit more commercial, but hopefully they didn't do the same with the movie. 


Now this last trailer didn't come out this week, nore is it in the same scifi theme as the rest. But I am in fact looking foward to this one most of all. Theres a part of my heart I've carved out specifically for Wes Anderson movies, and their quirky awkward pauses and babling dialogue. This one seems to be on such a big scale. I will explode.


So, yeah, these are the movies I'm really looking foward to right now. I'd suggest taking a look at the new Amazing Spider-man 2 trailer, but I'd be lieing if I said I was really excited about it. Or to bring the Scifi theme back around, check out the freshly released teaser for the extremely anticipated Christopher Nolan film. INTERSTELLER. What movies are you looking forward to?

Posted by beastkid7 - December 12th, 2013

I was up for 24hrs and I had to stay up even longer because of my own stupidity, lol. So I made this thing to feel less angry. I'm probably going to do more stuff like this.

good night

Posted by beastkid7 - December 9th, 2013


I wrote these when I was infatuated


The greatest illusionist is the liquids in my mind. Only air between us, yet I feel bound to you. Your image is in my biology, I feel sick for you. 


Savory dances

in the halls of a mystic. 

let beauty test beauty. 

To make tangy dreams


into reality sweet.


Shifty eyes, sweaty miles and miles and miles of thoughts about courage and wit. You gift me with your courage but what I want to see is you weak on your knees. Begging please let God rain on me something beautiful like he promised! I want to see the real. But you've shellacked this exterior porcelain pretty, with things to look at and things to see. Your so good I don't even wonder, really, if you think about the words you say later in the dark. 

She does.


Serious strikes the face of someone bathed in love, like a poison weighing down there smile with a deeper emotion. One more of angst. An emotion simmering in their chest as if to say..


She spoke to me in a dream and said she'd be the best she'd ever be at that moment in my life went I was most definitely not ready.

For her.


When I walk I sting. I fling my arm around the unexpected, unsuspected, translucent, evasive motion of pointless socialization. I am a hypocritical silhouette of all that is detailed. 




I wrote these when I was very tired


So death began to pull my eye lids closed as the froth of my mind smeared silently into a sleep. I held close squeezed between two specific brain cells all the things I ever wanted to do. Deaths mercy was stoic. My ribs felt as if the were bleeding. My eyes felt as if they were swelling and I could not feel my heart.


Sleep is like death. Sometimes you've got to realize there's always tomorrow, on the other side of time. 


Don't you know that we will be there waiting for you.

All of us sitting there with smiles surrounded by green and blue earthy depths.

We will be crying for your happiness

and you will be selfless with out any worry.

All will be sweet fruit.




This new setup is pretty cool. I just wish it could spell check :P I'm a horrible speller. Hope you can find something.. somewhat relatable in these. Thanks for reading :)



Posted by beastkid7 - October 31st, 2013

Sitting in a fixed state of isolation. To talk is to mend or rip apart. I'm not so good at mending.

Thought is not an action that people can plainly see on the surface, so it is classified as depth. But you come to learn of it's trivial nature after some time. When you realize you live in a physical existence. A small thought sent into the physical realm for effect, is greater than a large thought kept isolated in mind.

This makes thinkers angry. That it's their world that is not tangible. What if you could not be touched? This is how an artist feels. To be embraced they must create, or be a shadow of some one, who seems to not exist.

A window is a lonely place.

But it seems the detachment creates wisdom. A greater understanding is gained with contact. But logic is lost, at the expense of great pleasure and great pain. Is it to feel, and then to understand, or to understand then feel?

Pain speaks for us sometimes. Given the right circumstances pain will heave out treacherous masterpieces, drenched in ugly truths. God help the pour victim who has to swallow. God bless them if they empathize.

My path squirms like a frequency.

Glory to pain who sent me. Glory to pain who tried to drown me. Glory to death, which I thought to be sweet. Sickness is the challenge. Glory to the gradient of life. A place were brawling against your own nature brings happiness, and being free to do what you want, isn't freedom at all.


So, I found this 50 powerful poetry quotes thing, and I figured I could write a little for the idea of each quote. (The ones I like anyway) My poetry is usually very un poetic lol, or just very raw and unfiltered. I tried to edit a little with these *strugs* put them in there "Sunday clothes".

Posted by beastkid7 - October 20th, 2013

An artificial presents. I'll rewrite the world while my bodies spinning in motion, my heads trying to find a girl. Romance, romance ways deep, crooked, stuck in the pit of my throat. So caught I can't say. To anyone who comes my way, that I'm okay. Love broke fists shanked massive attacks on my heart. Self imposed leaving whirling dismal thoughts of lies and love. I can find freedom in a century. In a no past and no beginning. I can find freedom in a forever. Where I have time to write the meaning. They want me to move, the force of change in energy proposes I force back. When I fight back, I create myself.

Label, finished making time to stake in the order of change. I rearrange and feel strange. That I hold such a fragile power. Fragile in it source that it stems from, me. That I can fail any moment but the permanent creation and what it causes is infinite. I can move centuries of planning I can shape the minds of young men. I can change the course of energies spent. When I complete. When I complete, I change. I break it all to an instance of fruitive mass. That instance is me.

I am a fruitive mass
A force of extroverted creativity

See the idea is give yourself a standard, and believe you are that thing. A self fulfilling prophecy.

To quote a very wise intergalactic rabbi, "Do, or do not. There is no try."

Also the idea that came out of this too was. There are energies and forces operating on us constantly and if your like me you try to escape them. The influence of other people, the moving of time, the aging of your body. The idea I propose is that taking this forces will not stop trying to create you. So fighting back, influencing others, wielding your time effectively, controlling your health. Your creating yourself with action. Our inner force against outside forces becomes a sort of "life frequency". A sequence of give and take.

anyway thanks for reading my mind splats.