It isn't really it has no chorus like that song hide and seek.
Any how the "--" means its carried on and the () means its sung in the backround like an echo. It has a slow drawn out rthym to it ...but ah what the heck sing it the way you want. It was really just poetry that evolved into a song . . .sorta.
Is this a joke, No its real
Tell me something, how I feel
Life is after -No its now
Tell me something , tell me how
Integrity broke by the lightest lightest thing
If I could only see the Brightest brightest things
All my wonders are not for nought
But in this world that I fought
Its on my back a weight I can't remove
This is how I feel until different I can prove
Love ...No I kill
Fate ...Stands there still
But I'm not broken yet(yet)
Fates rule I will not let(let)
Let --me show you(me)
Let -me show you ...
How to feel ...
How to feel Now--- [x4]
Now that I'm posting it I realize it really is the type of thing you have to hear. *Sigh*
Feelin sad ...just look at the "Mildly Amused Riot Guy." O_O